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1,000 and 3,000 ft. coils of 16 gauge high tensile wire make it possible to build fences quickly and at low cost.
This is our favorite wire for perimeter security fences. It's stronger than standard soft iron wire, is galvanized and polished, making it shiny. It goes up with fewer kinks and makes a very good-looking fence.
It will take over ten years of abuse with minimal maintenance. The end and corner posts do not need to be braced because this wire acts like a lightweight rubber band.
The wire can give more than the heavier gauges without transferring as much stress to the end posts.
Since less weight is suspended, less tension is required. Composite rod posts can be used for the majority of the line posts.
Coils fit a standard spinning jenny, which may also be used to rewind the wire.
* 210 KSI 16ga. = 210,000 PSI min = 614 lb @ .061 in
* Class 3 galvanized high-tensile wire
* Ideal for interior electric fences
* Requires minimal maintenance
Estimated 30 to 40 year lifetime.
Choose from 1,000 3,000 or 6,000 ft. spools, below. Spinning Jenny recommended.
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